Conveniently located at the heart of Toul Kork.

Equipped with the latest in fitness equipment and cutting edge technologies.

400 m2 of holistic fitness space
Equipped with top-of-the-line equipment from Life Fitness and Hammer strength.
All machines are based on the latest biomechanics and designed to replicate how the body naturally moves.

Digital rep counters and timer make it easy for our members to keep track of their workouts. Our cardiovascular machines use wireless internet connection, so that you can stay online and enjoy services like YouTube and other entertainment while you are burning off calories.
Enjoy amazing views while swimming at the roof top

Functional Area
Go Gym Functional floor is designed to benefit every person, regardless of fitness level, age, experience or time available for training. Functional training improves your body’s ability to work efficiently as one unit.

Freedom Climber
Freedom climber is perfect for Core Muscle & Stabilizer Muscle Development and Eye-hand Coordination.

Multitude of Options
You can choose anything from the hardcore assault bike to battle ropes and tire flipping to burn calories, enhance aerobic capacity and promote muscle growth.
Enjoy your workouts privately or together with your close friends or private trainer with Go Gym Private Studios.

Our Private Studio is very intimate yet spacious with more than 40m2 of floor space.

Go Gym’s private studios all have separate sound system and plenty of space. Our studios are available for our members to book and utilize whenever they want.

Platinum members are able to book the private studios for free while basic members pay as little as $5/hr for their own private space.

Train with your friends in your own private space, and even play your own jam with our independent private studio sound system!